Want More Information?
STCP welcomes the opportunity to meet with any interested stakeholder. We are happy to communicate in person or virtually, as stakeholders prefer.
We have met with individual Angelenos and dozens of organizations, including with federal, state and local elected officials; environmentalists; chambers of commerce; museums; houses of worship; labor unions; transportation advocates; universities; homeowners’ associations and more, and our engagement is ongoing.
Any stakeholder who wants to learn more about STCP's proposal can request an informational briefing. To meet with us, please click here.
Please note that all meetings are subject to approval by Metro and that Metro staff may attend the meeting. Additional information about the Sepulveda Transit Corridor Project can be found at
To view STCP's full report,
click here.
View STCP's stakeholder presentation:
Sepulveda Transit Corridor Partners
Because Metro has not completed a CEQA review, the information contained herein does not constitute or evidence an approval by Metro of, or commitment of Metro to, any action for which prior environmental review is required under CEQA. Metro retains the absolute sole discretion to make decisions under CEQA, which discretion includes, without limitation (i) deciding not to proceed with the Project (known as the “no build” alternative) and (ii) deciding to approve the Project. There will be no approval or commitment by Metro regarding the development of the Project, unless and until Metro, as the Lead Agency, and based upon information resulting from the CEQA environmental review process, considers the impacts of the Project.
This is not the official website for project information. For official information regarding the Project, please visit Metro’s project website: https://www.metro.net/projects/sepulvedacorridor/. Only comments made on Metro’s website will become part of the official administrative record for the Project.